Ten MCSA members met at 08h00 at the start of the Platteklip Gorge path on Tafelberg Road and followed the path up the Gorge before branching off to the left and winding our way up the face of the Central Table stopping here and there to enjoy the magnificent views and sometimes to catch our breaths – on a really beautiful sunny winter day. We had two main stops en route – one on a ridge half way up and the second in the orgy grass at the overhang near the top – both with views for Africa! It is always fun suddenly popping out onto path on the edge of the Table – but this time the wind hit us with a vengeance and we had to hang on – one hat flew off but luckily onto the Table so could be retrieved! Most of the party descended via Platteklip Gorge and three members took the Cable Car down splitting off at the top of Platteklip Gorge. We returned to the cars at about 2 pm in very warm weather.
Thanks to the team (Brian Lambourne, Francesca Arton, Dennis Cope, Heleen du Toit, Jacques Matthee, Kim Youngah, Ivor Jardine, Jenny Clover and Trevor Stacey) for a lovely day on the mountain. And special thanks to Jacques for taking the photos.
Penny Brown