We were a hearty group of 16, with several new members happy to be included. It was a perfect day for swimming, sunny but not too hot and only a breath of a breeze. Ivor led us, pausing at times to share various botanical points of interest. During our tea break at one of the first big pools the swimmers changed quickly and enjoyed the relatively mild water in sunlight. From there the path ascends mostly on loose white shards of stone in loose sand, and is steep in places. Then there was of course the obligatory bushwhack to arrive at the very top pool, where we spent some time swimming and having lunch.
Ivor took us across to the edge of the cliff to see the dramatic drop to a stepped set of pools where we would have our last swim. But getting to it was not a piece of cake, and there were mumblings about whether it would be worth the effort. What a highlight, and only those who swam could see the spectacular sight from the middle of the pool: starting at the top, a total of 4 ribbon waterfalls poured into those stepped bowl-shaped pools, now above us, until the last one entered the swim pool. Some even suggested it rivalled the top pool and waterfall at Krom River! All in all a splendid day.
Suzanne Smith