We were treated to some of the best Cape mountain scenery in this fynbos rich part of the Cape floral kingdom, the Kogelberg Nature Reserve. Ivor led a party of 24 members through the mountains starting at Oudebosch on the Palmiet River and ending at the Harold Porter Botanical Gardens in Betty’s Bay where we celebrated his 80th birthday in fine style.
The composition of the group spanned some 65 years of hiking companionships. Along the way we encountered some of the plants endemic to the area together with swiftly flowing rivers that produced some dramatic waterfalls.
We had tea in the ancient Oudebosch forest alongside a mountain stream and then continued the traverse, eventually reaching the nek over which we could set our sights on Betty’s Bay in the far distance. After a leisurely lunch we were suitably energized to tackle the final stage of the hike, with the wonderful coastal scenery combined with endless mountains forming the backdrop.
Thanks to Ivor for navigating us on yet another most enjoyable hike.