The Mountain Club of South Africa
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Hout Bay Contour Path

Leader: Kate McCallum 13 March 2018 Hout Bay Contour Path

On Tuesday 13 March 2018, 20 geriactive MCSA members hiked along the 6.5 km Hout Bay Contour Path. The hike went from East Fort, along the Hout Bay Contour Path, past Blackburn Ravine, along the contour path under Noordhoek Peak to the saddle crossroads, and down the path to the road.

The weather was wonderfully cool, with patches of mist. We were pleased to see that many Tritoniopsis and cluster disas were out and that there was still water running in the weir in Blackburn Ravine. Unusually, we encountered three other large geriactive groups doing different parts of the route.

Many thanks to Daniel Reinecke and Stephen Craven for ably assisting with co-leading, and to Tina Koyounglou for the photographs.


Kate McCallum


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