The cool and cloudy conditions did not deter the party of 12 intrepid mountaineers from setting off on this hike. We followed Porcupine ravine until we could branch out left onto the ridge and include some interesting rock obstacles along the way. Tea was called at a vantage point looking out towards Fountain ravine. Back in the ravine we scaled the ‘B’ pitch with ease and eventually reached the start of the not so often used overgrown path that continues towards Kitchen ravine. After enjoying the views of the dams from a different perspective we reached St Michael’s peak in blustery conditions – so we dropped down an off-path descent route to join up with the path running from Echo valley to the Aqueduct route and had lunch at the ‘junction’ pool. By then the sun had begun to make an appearance and warmed us up for the descent down Kasteels Poort.