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Hills of the Navy – Simonstown

Leader: Kobus Marais 26 September 2019 Hills of the Navy – Simonstown

This was a hike with a difference, covering 9.5km and 19 ‘Hills of the Navy’. Kobus Marais, who lead the hike, ably steered us through the rich fynbos covered slopes and introduced us to a seldom visited part of the peninsula. The views were different as we got to gaze at familiar sights from a different angle. We also visited some historic fortifications along the way dating back to the 18th century. Even though the hiking was relatively easy we experienced extreme heat with temperatures soaring above 35 degrees centigrade – water had to be carefully conserved and cramp became a reality for some. The route we followed is not well marked so a knowledge of the area is a prerequisite, which Kobus confidently displayed. Our seven-hour hike was enjoyed by all, despite the heat.

Don Jepson
Don Jepson

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