Jan du Toit’s Kloof provides different challenges from what we are accustomed to on Table Mountain. Sure footedness together with good balance are a prerequisite for which the reward is ever changing scenes as one rounds the next bend. The excitement of what the next challenge will be keeps the adrenaline pumping. A waterfall that requires a detour out of the Kloof to circumvent, a pool that cannot be waded, which means holding one’s day pack above water level while swimming with one hand and wearing boots, or just cooling off in an enticing pool. Add the New Year Lily that was in full bloom and you have the perfect setting!
Of course enjoying such beauty does not come without physical effort and a bit of discomfort at night sleeping on the hard ground, but sleep comes easily after a day in Jan du Toit’s Kloof.
The younger generation in our group managed to reach the Buchu Ladder and enjoy the challenges and rewards of the upper reaches of the river. Reunited, at Overhang camp, we could enjoy the evening, sharing our adventures and watching the mountains change colour as the sun set.
We had three wind-free hot days that meant lots of swimming stops to cool us off. As always, with a trip involving a lot of boulder hopping, we were glad to arrive back at our cars injury free, and looking forward to the next opportunity to tackle Jan du Toit’s Kloof again.