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Slangolie & St Paul’s Peaks

Leader: Don Jepson 27 February 2020 Slangolie & St Paul’s Peaks

We set off with high expectations – however the strong wind on top put paid to that! Our ascent was up Corridor Ravine and on reaching the top we soon realised that it would not be safe to head for the peaks on the exposed buttresses, as planned. So off to Tranquility Cracks we did go to find some shelter from the very strong winds that made it difficult to remain upright because of the sudden gusts. To our amazement we found it difficult to escape the wind, even in amongst the cracks. Eventually we found a sheltered part where we could have tea – dressed for winter conditions with beanies and gloves and wind-jackets. We did not linger and soon set off for a quick descent down Wood Ravine, arriving back at the cars at about 12 noon. Even though we did not reach our objectives, the challenging weather conditions made up for it!

Don Jepson
Don Jepson

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