We had the perfect summer day for this scenic route which together with a strong party made for a most enjoyable hike. After setting off at 7:30am we tackled the north west facing ridge of Constantiaberg which is an ascent of over 800 meters. The views are widespread and the isolated position of Constantiaberg in relation to Table Mountain provides interesting vistas.
After about 600 meters of off-path ascent along the rocky ridge we reached the NW beacon at 10am and spread out amongst the rocks to soak in the sun and views whilst enjoying a leisurely tea break. Stefan earned extra brownie points for taking out 20 Hakea bushes in one heavily infested area on the way up. More alien clearing needs to be done on this slope.
There was no wind and we began to feel the heat as we descended the tar road towards the Vlakkenberg trail path. On reaching the intersection we turned west and headed towards Skoorsteenkop where we had a lunch break just before the path descends.
The unaccustomed heat was more intense as we descended back towards Baviaanskloof and our party of 11 returned to the cars at 2pm, suitably charged with 6.5 hours of crisp mountain air and scenery.