The Mountain Club of South Africa
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Outreach training camp

Outreach 25 February 2022 Outreach training camp

MCSA-CT hosted a very successful Outreach leaders training weekend at Olive Glen Farm from 25–27 February. It was a privilege to represent Indalo Hiking Club in the Outreach Training Camp. For someone who was born and raised in the township of Khayelitsha, it was an amazing experience and exposure. I camped in a tent for the first time ever!

On the first day when we were pitching our tents, the wind was pumping. Our faces filled with worry (those who were going to sleep in a tent for the first time), but towards the evening the wind gradually subsided and our worries faded.

On the second day, so much knowledge was gained in one day! What stood out for me was the Medical Mountain Epics session, Hike leadership, Safety and admin, and the Night Navigation activity, which was lots of fun.

The third day was time to put theory into action, with intent and reflection. During the hike I got a chance to lead the group for a couple of minutes. A member disappeared while I was leading (this was a test), I had to reflect on the previous day’s lessons and through team work and delegating tasks, the “missing” member was found. It was a lesson learnt on how easily a member can get lost during a hike even when there is a sweeper at the back!

Thank you so much to all the organizers of the Outreach Training Camp and those who worked in the background to make sure the camp was a success and an awesome experience!

– Vuyokazi Rubushe

Thandi Davies
Thandi Davies

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