Sixteen hikers set off from Rycroft Gate, Kirstenbosch – we were blessed with perfect weather conditions. At the top of the gorge, we traversed across to Nursery Buttress and enjoyed our tea break near the overhang. Suitably restored, we tackled our next objective, Reserve Peak. After checking that the familiar, glorious views were still in place, including the almost full Hely Hutchinson and Woodhead dams, we made a careful descent towards the back table. En route, some members were able to ringbark several young aliens while the rest of us profited from a breather… to chat!
From midway along Ash Valley we tackled the koppie known as Split Rock, some scrambling and a cool cave passage leading us to an open area at the top. One half of the Split was summited before the lunch break overlooking the Alexandra & Victoria dams. Our next challenge was finding a way through the very bushy and overgrown area sometimes called ‘not Ash Valley’, to reach Smut’s Track. Thanks to everyone for maintaining a sense of humour on this section…
After passing the Overseer’s Cottage, we made our descent to Kirstenbosch via Cecilia Ridge, reaching our starting point by about 3pm. Thanks to all for their company & especially those who assisted with the recce, and backup on the day.