After a really wobbly start, the day turned out well. We were in 3 cars, 2 of which arrived at the hike start on time. The one with the leader arrived 2 hours late, having been on the road for 3 and a half hours!! A really serious accident on the N1 caused it to be closed, and we were trapped on it! Being innovative MCSA members, the 6 who were there, after waiting patiently for an hour and with no cellphone reception to communicate with each other, left a note and set off slowly in that safe area.
By 10:30 when the rest of us arrived it was already near 30 degrees and the first pool was still 90 minutes away on a shadeless path! Meanwhile, 3 had descended to the delightful little waterfall and pool en route, while 3 caring gentlemen waited for us in that heat at the turnoff. Having met up, we decided to continue on the main path to the intended set of pools where we stayed for an hour to enjoy swims, tea and lunch.
Setting off back to the cars we wondered if we would meet up with those who had descended via a steep path to the little waterfall, and truly amazingly, they had just arrived back at the main path as we approached! So, happily united, we continued on our way back to the start of the route where the deeply shaded pool below the lodge was balmy. The photos tell some of the story.
The good spirit with which the party dealt with the unusual circumstances was much appreciated by the leader!
Photos: Sakkie Meeuwsen and Robin Sherry