Hacking is one of the most satisfying ways to spend time in the mountains. Not only do you get to enjoy the outdoors but you’re also giving something back to the environment. If you’ve never been on a hack, sign up for the next one!
The Cape Town Section’s main conservation priority is to remove and control invasive alien vegetation on MCSA properties in the Western Cape. As the word ‘hack’ suggests, this often involves manual clearing by hand. It can be demanding but there’s nothing more satisfying than revisiting a previously overgrown area where the fynbos is now flourishing once again. The Club has a regular schedule of conservation meets on its Calendar, roughly one a quarter, during which we visit a Club property over a weekend. The Section has a range of tools available, including several chainsaws. We also engage in the considered use of bio controls where appropriate to deal with larger scale alien infestations.
Members are encouraged to carry small handsaws, available from the Clubhouse office, on all their walks. We encourage you to remove any alien vegetation you encounter. Know how to identify the invasive species correctly, and use the correct procedure for dealing with a particular species – some will re-grow if simply cut at the base!
Hakea sericea – Silky Hakea
Acacia cyclops – Rooikrans
Acacia saligna – Port Jackson Willow