The Mountain Club of South Africa

Join the MCSA (Cape Town Section)

Join the Club

Join the Club

Initial Agreement

Thank you for deciding to apply to join the Cape Town Section of the Mountain Club.

Please note that as a new member, hut usage and access is limited.

Whilst all membership benefits are extended to you, you will not be able to book a hut, nor have access to a Club key, until you have met the criteria set out below. You will be able to visit a hut, in a party arranged by a key-carrying member, at the applicable guest rate. You are unable to take your own guests as a new member.

The criteria to obtain a hut key and access to the huts are:

  • A minimum of one year’s membership.
  • Participation in a work meet and/or conservation meet on a Club property.
  • Attendance of a new member social, to which you will be invited.
  • Participation in Club meets (as found on the calendar). Social evening and community meets do not count.

A motivation letter can be submitted to the office upon your completion of the above criteria.

We are confident that through participation in meets and activities, time spent with other members, and exploring the properties, you will enjoy your journey towards becoming a key-carrying member of the Club. As a member, you are encouraged to participate in club activities, and contribute through volunteering if you are able and willing.

The General Committee reserves the right to review these criteria at any time.

I acknowledge that I understand and agree to the above.
Before proceeding to the application form, please acknowledge that you understand and agree to be bound by:

I acknowledge that I understand and agree to the above.

Personal Details

Residential Address
Residential Address
Street Address
Complex or Building Name, unit number or floor
Postal Code

Maximum file size: 2MB

Club Details

Reasons for wanting to join the club
Have you visited any of the club properties or huts as a guest of a member?
Was the Club recommended to you by a current member? If yes, provide the member's name.

Emergency Contact

Partner Details

Each prospective member must complete a separate application form and pay the joining fee.
Is your partner currently a member?
Please note that a separate application form and entrance fee for each member must be submitted; if not, your application will be processed as a single (Ordinary) member. These forms must be received on the same day.

User Agreement

Terms and Conditions

Thank you for submitting your application for membership.

I agree that my name may be circulated to existing members as part of the process governing the election of members as detailed in The Constitution of the MCSA (Cape Town Section).

Once elected as a member, should I wish to resign or change my membership status I will notify the Club in writing by 31 December of the current year, and I understand that the change will take effect only from 1 January the following year.

I will be bound by The Constitution of the MCSA (Cape Town Section) and any rules as set by its General Committee while I remain a member, and I will familiarise myself with and abide by the Club’s Code of Conduct.

I indemnify and absolve The Mountain Club of South Africa, the Sections of the Club and any individually-officiating Club members from any liability of any nature whatsoever and howsoever caused to me which may arise from injury, illness, damage, loss, mishap, accident, or any other occurrence, resulting from my participation in any meet, expedition, event, activity or service held under the auspices of the Club or sanctioned by the Club. I acknowledge that I am aware of the risks to which I might be exposed as a result of such participation, and I voluntarily accept all such risks.