The Mountain Club of South Africa

Docwize Registration

Docwize Signup

Docwize Signup

Docwize provides access to the MCSA journals on an external platform. It provides a number of extra features not available when viewing the PDFs on our website. This includes search across all of the journals and bookmarking. In order to provide you with access to Docwize, we need to obtain your consent to upload your email address to their platform.

Once you have submitted the form, we will register you on Docwize. You will then receive an email with further instructions. If you haven't received your registration email within a week of submitting this form, please contact Pieter Jordaan @

Please make sure you use your MCSA email when signing up, other emails will not be registered.

I agree to allow my personal email address to be uploaded to Docwize


User Guide

For more details on using Docwize, please refer to this guide: MCSA Journals on Docwize – Members

Downloading Journals

Journals can also be downloaded from Docwize by navigating to the Explorer view and then clicking on the icon shown below:

When you open the downloaded PDF, you will be prompted for a password. This password is the email address you signed up with.