Seventeen of us set out on time at 07h00 from the Toad in clear skies with a mild southeast wind. The hike up the wattle-infested slope was uneventful and we used the voluntary scramble to reach Blister Bush Gully. The rocks were dry which made the pitch scrambles and the Slopey Rock extra pleasurable. We reached the top at 09h50 and enjoyed a beverage break with great views. We descended via Adullam Cave and off path to the second junction at the top of Peck’s Valley. We chose to skip the extra trip to St James Peak and a leisurely ascent got us to the top of Muizenberg Peak for an early lunch at 11h15. We were able to easily shelter from the freshening wind and after the break traversed the ridge westwards to the top of the main descent path to Boyes Drive. After the diversion of an aborted attempt to use the scramble route down the rock climbers’ path, we headed down through the houses reaching the cars at 13h45. Some of the group then refreshed and replenished at the Toad’